The second USA Philip K. Dick Festival is scheduled for Spetember 22 & 23rd
2012 in San Francisco, probably in the vicinity of San Francisco State University. Professor David Gill (The Total
Dick-head) will br our host and Jonathan Lethem the guest of honor. Monitor the Total Dick-head blog for updates as we get closer to the festival dates.
We have some photos from the festival! Please click
on the "pix" button to the left.
======= Entry 16 ========== August 24 2010: PKD FESTIVAL IS OVER! Stay
tuned to this website for details on the upcoming 2nd Philip K. Dick Festival to be held in the San Francisco area in 2012! Paul Williams online benefit auction coming soon! We raised a little money for Paul Williams at
the PKD Festival but not enough! We shall therefore hold an online auction of PKD-related materials (and other things)
to benefit Paul. More details soon. Please contact Lord Running Clam with your donations!