In his long writing career (1950 - 1982) Philip K. Dick wrote over 50 novels and 200 short stories. A
good place to start finding more information is my 'pkdweb'.
To buy Philip K. Dick books the best places are your local bookstores but if you must go online then I would
NOT recommend online retailers like Amazon but specialist bookstores like http://www.thephildickian.com/ or Mark Ziesing Books: http://www.ziesing-books.com/
Many fans like to see the cover art of the different editions of PKD books from around the world. The best
place to see this cover art is at Henri Wintz's excellent website devoted to PKD cover art: http://pkdickbooks.com/index.php
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of my book 'Pink Beam: A Philip K. Dick Companion' by Lord
RC (2007) then please purchase your copy here: